Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje Mp3 Songs – All Old & New Audio Music


Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje Early Music Life (Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje Biography Tribe & Genre of Music i.e The Type of Music)

CHIEF ONYEBUCHI ALUSI EGWU NTEJE is a Nigerian musician and cultural leader who was born in Nteje, a town in Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State. He is the founder and leader of the Alusi Egwu Nteje Cultural Group, which performs traditional Igbo music and dance. He is also the Eze Ndi Igbo Nteje (King of the Igbo people of Nteje) and a member of the Anambra State Council of Traditional Rulers.

CHIEF ONYEBUCHI ALUSI EGWU NTEJE started his musical career at a young age, learning how to play various instruments such as the ogene (gong), ekwe (wooden drum), oja (flute), and udu (pot drum). He also learned how to sing and compose songs in Igbo language and culture. He formed his first musical group in 1978, and since then he has recorded and released over 50 albums of Igbo highlife, folk, and gospel music. Some of his popular songs include “Ndi Ogboto”, “Ogene Ndi Igbo”, “Egwu Ukwu”, and “Nwa Bu Nwa”.

CHIEF ONYEBUCHI ALUSI EGWU NTEJE is widely respected and admired for his contribution to the preservation and promotion of Igbo culture and heritage. He has performed at various local, national, and international events and festivals, showcasing the beauty and diversity of Igbo music and dance. He has also received several awards and honors for his musical excellence and leadership. He is married to Lolo Ngozi Alusi Egwu Nteje and they have six children.

Chief Onyebuchi Aniekwe popularly known as Alusi Egwu Nteje for his music performances.

Best of Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje Old and New Mp3 Songs

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Below are top best collection of Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje Mp3 old & New songs you can download

1. Nteje Abo Udo (Aboudo) – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Nteje Abo Udo (Aboudo) By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

2. Amulu Onye Na Ego – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Amulu Onye Na Ego By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

3. Orji Okosisi – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Orji Okosisi By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

4. Onyebuchi Onye Abor – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Onyebuchi Onye Abor By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

6. Ego Di Na Boot – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Ego Di Na Boot By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

7. Ije Ogalanya – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Ije Ogalanya By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

9. Ogo Amaka Mma – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Ogo Amaka Mma By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

10. Onye Na Chi Ya – Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

Download Onye Na Chi Ya By Chief Onyebuchi Alusi Egwu Nteje

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